Annotations of Pfam domains by Gene Ontology Cellular Component (GOCC).


An object of class "Anno" that contains associations between Gene Ontology Cellular Component terms and Pfam domains. This data is prepared based on the Pfam database (see and




an object of class Anno. It has slots for "annoData", "termData" and "domainData":

  • annoData: a sparse matrix of domains X terms
  • termData: variables describing ontology terms (i.e. columns in annoData), including: "ID" (i.e. term ID), "Name" (i.e. term Names), "Namespace" (i.e. term Namespace), and "Distance" (i.e. term Distance to the ontology root)
  • domainData: variables describing domains (i.e. rows in annoData), including: "id" for Pfam accession ID, and "level" always equals "Pfam", "description" for Pfam description


Finn et al. (2014) The Pfam protein families database. Nucleic Acids Res, 42(Database issue):D222-D230.


# load data data(Pfam2GOCC) Pfam2GOCC
An object of S4 class 'Anno' @annoData: 2036 domains, 307 terms @termData (InfoDataFrame) termNames: GO:0005576 GO:0009295 GO:0016020 ... GO:0070188 GO:0042729 (307 total) tvarLabels: ID Name Namespace Distance @domainData (InfoDataFrame) domainNames: PF00001 PF00002 PF00003 ... PF15550 PF15556 (2036 total) dvarLabels: id level description
# retrieve info on ontology terms termData(Pfam2GOCC)
An object of S4 class 'InfoDataFrame' rowNames: GO:0005576 GO:0009295 GO:0016020 ... GO:0070188 GO:0042729 (307 total) colNames: ID Name Namespace Distance
# retrieve info on Pfam domains domainData(Pfam2GOCC)
An object of S4 class 'InfoDataFrame' rowNames: PF00001 PF00002 PF00003 ... PF15550 PF15556 (2036 total) colNames: id level description
# retrieve the first 5 rows and columns of annotation data x <- annoData(Pfam2GOCC)[1:5,1:5] x
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" GO:0000276 GO:0000439 GO:0072686 GO:0005925 GO:0000444 PF00001 . . . . . PF00002 . . . . . PF00003 . . . . . PF00015 . . . . . PF00028 . . . . .
# convert the above retrieval to the full matrix as.matrix(x)
GO:0000276 GO:0000439 GO:0072686 GO:0005925 GO:0000444 PF00001 0 0 0 0 0 PF00002 0 0 0 0 0 PF00003 0 0 0 0 0 PF00015 0 0 0 0 0 PF00028 0 0 0 0 0

See also
