Annotations of SCOP domain families (fa) by Human Phenotype Mode of Inheritance (HPMI).


An object of class "Anno" that contains associations between HPMI terms and SCOP domain families (fa). This data is prepared based on the dcGO database (see




an object of class Anno. It has slots for "annoData", "termData" and "domainData":

  • annoData: a sparse matrix of domains X terms
  • termData: variables describing ontology terms (i.e. columns in annoData), including: "ID" (i.e. term ID), "Name" (i.e. term Names), "Namespace" (i.e. term Namespace), and "Distance" (i.e. term Distance to the ontology root)
  • domainData: variables describing domains (i.e. rows in annoData), including: "id" for SCOP sunid, and "level" for SCOP level, "description" for SCOP description


Fang H and Gough J. (2013) dcGO: database of domain-centric ontologies on functions, phenotypes, diseases and more. Nucleic Acids Res, 41(Database issue):D536-44.


# load data data(SCOP.fa2HPMI) SCOP.fa2HPMI
An object of S4 class 'Anno' @annoData: 58 domains, 8 terms @termData (InfoDataFrame) termNames: HP:0000006 HP:0000007 HP:0001425 ... HP:0001442 HP:0001419 (8 total) tvarLabels: ID Name Namespace Distance @domainData (InfoDataFrame) domainNames: 46463 46580 47006 ... 140830 141073 (58 total) dvarLabels: id level description
# retrieve info on ontology terms termData(SCOP.fa2HPMI)
An object of S4 class 'InfoDataFrame' rowNames: HP:0000006 HP:0000007 HP:0001425 ... HP:0001442 HP:0001419 (8 total) colNames: ID Name Namespace Distance
# retrieve info on SCOP domains domainData(SCOP.fa2HPMI)
An object of S4 class 'InfoDataFrame' rowNames: 46463 46580 47006 ... 140830 141073 (58 total) colNames: id level description
# retrieve the first 5 rows and columns of annotation data x <- annoData(SCOP.fa2HPMI)[1:5,1:5] x
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" HP:0000006 HP:0000007 HP:0001428 HP:0010985 HP:0001417 46463 1 . . . . 46580 1 . . . . 47006 . 1 . . . 47204 . 1 . . . 47455 1 . . . .
# convert the above retrieval to the full matrix as.matrix(x)
HP:0000006 HP:0000007 HP:0001428 HP:0010985 HP:0001417 46463 1 0 0 0 0 46580 1 0 0 0 0 47006 0 1 0 0 0 47204 0 1 0 0 0 47455 1 0 0 0 0

See also
