SCOP domain superfamilies (sf).


An object of class "InfoDataFrame" that contains information on SCOP domain superfamilies (sf).




an object of class InfoDataFrame. It has slots for data and dimLabels:

  • data: a data.frame containing information about 2223 domains (in rows), with 3 columns ("id" for SCOP sunid, and "level" for SCOP level, "description" for SCOP description)
  • dimLabels: a character describing labels for rows and columns in data


Morais et al. (2011) SUPERFAMILY 1.75 including a domain-centric gene ontology method. Nucleic Acids Res, 39(Database issue):D427-34.

Andreeva et al. (2008) Data growth and its impact on the SCOP database: new developments. Nucleic Acids Res, 36(Database issue):D419-425


# load data data(SCOP.sf) SCOP.sf
An object of S4 class 'InfoDataFrame' rowNames: 46458 46548 46557 ... 161270 161308 (2223 total) colNames: id level description
# retrieve the dimension dim(SCOP.sf)
[1] 2223 3
# retrieve names of columns colNames(SCOP.sf)
[1] "id" "level" "description"
# retrieve the first 5 rows of data Data(SCOP.sf)[1:5,]
id level description 46458 46458 sf Globin-like 46548 46548 sf alpha-helical ferredoxin 46557 46557 sf GreA transcript cleavage protein, N-terminal domain 46561 46561 sf Ribosomal protein L29 (L29p) 46565 46565 sf Chaperone J-domain