is supposed to convert an object between classes
'Onto' and 'igraph', or between 'Dnetwork' and 'igraph', or between
'Cnetwork' and 'igraph'.
dcConverter(obj, from = c("Onto", "igraph", "Dnetwork", "Cnetwork"), to = c("igraph", "Onto", "Dnetwork", "Cnetwork"), verbose = TRUE)
an object of class "Onto", "igraph", "Dnetwork" or "Cnetwork"
Conversion is also supported between classes 'Onto' and 'igraph', or between 'Dnetwork' and 'igraph', or between 'Cnetwork' and 'igraph'
# 1) conversion between 'Onto' and 'igraph' # 1a) load onto.GOMF (as 'Onto' object) on <- dcRDataLoader('onto.GOMF')'onto.GOMF' (from package 'dcGOR' version 1.0.5) has been loaded into the working environmentonAn object of S4 class 'Onto' @adjMatrix: a direct matrix of 9595 terms (parents/from) X 9595 terms (children/to) @nodeInfo (InfoDataFrame) nodeNames: GO:0003674 GO:0000988 GO:0001071 ... GO:0004008 GO:0086037 (9595 total) nodeAttr: term_id term_name term_namespace term_distance# 1b) convert the object from 'Onto' to 'igraph' class ig <- dcConverter(on, from='Onto', to='igraph')Your input object 'on' of class 'Onto' has been converted into an object of class 'igraph'.igIGRAPH DN-- 9595 11543 -- + attr: name (v/c), term_id (v/c), term_name (v/c), term_namespace | (v/c), term_distance (v/c) + edges (vertex names): [1] GO:0003674->GO:0000988 GO:0003674->GO:0001071 GO:0003674->GO:0003824 [4] GO:0003674->GO:0004872 GO:0003674->GO:0005198 GO:0003674->GO:0005215 [7] GO:0003674->GO:0005488 GO:0003674->GO:0009055 GO:0003674->GO:0016015 [10] GO:0003674->GO:0016209 GO:0003674->GO:0016247 GO:0003674->GO:0016530 [13] GO:0003674->GO:0030234 GO:0003674->GO:0030545 GO:0003674->GO:0031386 [16] GO:0003674->GO:0036370 GO:0003674->GO:0042056 GO:0003674->GO:0045182 [19] GO:0003674->GO:0045499 GO:0003674->GO:0045735 GO:0003674->GO:0060089 + ... omitted several edges# 1c) convert the object from 'igraph' to 'Onto' class dcConverter(ig, from='igraph', to='Onto')Your input object 'ig' of class 'igraph' has been converted into an object of class 'Onto'.An object of S4 class 'Onto' @adjMatrix: a direct matrix of 9595 terms (parents/from) X 9595 terms (children/to) @nodeInfo (InfoDataFrame) nodeNames: GO:0003674 GO:0000988 GO:0001071 ... GO:0004008 GO:0086037 (9595 total) nodeAttr: term_id term_name term_namespace term_distance# 2) conversion between 'Dnetwork' and 'igraph' # 2a) computer a domain semantic network (as 'Dnetwork' object) g <- dcRDataLoader('onto.GOMF')'onto.GOMF' (from package 'dcGOR' version 1.0.5) has been loaded into the working environmentAnno <- dcRDataLoader('SCOP.sf2GOMF')'SCOP.sf2GOMF' (from package 'dcGOR' version 1.0.5) has been loaded into the working environmentdag <- dcDAGannotate(g, annotations=Anno, path.mode="shortest_paths", verbose=FALSE) alldomains <- unique(unlist(nInfo(dag)$annotations)) domains <- sample(alldomains,5) # randomly sample 5 domains dnetwork <- dcDAGdomainSim(g=dag, domains=domains, method.domain="BM.average", method.term="Resnik", parallel=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)Runtime in total is: 115 secsdnetworkAn object of S4 class 'Dnetwork' @adjMatrix: a weighted symmetric matrix of 5 domains X 5 domains @nodeInfo (InfoDataFrame) nodeNames: 48592 53300 75169 53790 51703 nodeAttr: id# 2b) convert the object from 'Dnetwork' to 'igraph' class ig <- dcConverter(dnetwork, from='Dnetwork', to='igraph')Your input object 'dnetwork' of class 'Dnetwork' has been converted into an object of class 'igraph'.igIGRAPH UNW- 5 6 -- + attr: name (v/c), id (v/c), weight (e/n) + edges (vertex names): [1] 48592--53300 48592--53790 53300--53790 48592--51703 53300--51703 [6] 53790--51703# 2c) convert the object from 'igraph' to 'Dnetwork' class dcConverter(ig, from='igraph', to='Dnetwork')Your input object 'ig' of class 'igraph' has been converted into an object of class 'Dnetwork'.An object of S4 class 'Dnetwork' @adjMatrix: a weighted symmetric matrix of 5 domains X 5 domains @nodeInfo (InfoDataFrame) nodeNames: 48592 53300 75169 53790 51703 nodeAttr: id
, Onto-class
, Cnetwork-class