has 3 slots: annoData, termData and domainData
Class Anno
An object of S4 class AnnoData
containing data matrix with the column number equal to nrow(termData)
and the row number equal to nrow(domainData).
An object of S4 class
, describing information on columns in
An object of S4 class
, describing information on rows in
An object of this class can be created via: new("Anno", annoData,
termData, domainData)
Class-specific methods:
: retrieve the dimension in the object
: retrieve the slot 'annoData' in the object
: retrieve the slot 'termData' (as class
InfoDataFrame) in the object
: retrieve the slot 'domainData' (as class
InfoDataFrame) in the object
: retrieve termData (as data.frame) in the
: retrieve domainData (as data.frame) in the
: retrieve term names (ie, row names of
termData) in the object
: retrieve domain names (ie, row names of
domainData) in the object
Standard generic methods:
: compact display of the content in the object
: abbreviated display of the object
as(matrix, "Anno")
: convert a matrix to an object of
class Anno
as(dgCMatrix, "Anno")
: convert a dgCMatrix (a sparse
matrix) to an object of class Anno
: get the subset of the same class
Ways to access information on this class:
: show the class definition
: show the method definition
upon this class
: get the name and class of each slot in
this class
: get the name of each slot in this
selectMethod(f, signature="Anno")
: retrieve the
definition code for the method 'f' defined in this class
# create an object of class Anno, only given a matrix annoData <- matrix(runif(50),nrow=10,ncol=5) as(annoData, "Anno")An object of S4 class 'Anno' @annoData: 10 domains, 5 terms @termData (InfoDataFrame) termNames: 1 2 3 4 5 tvarLabels: names @domainData (InfoDataFrame) domainNames: 1 2 3 ... 9 10 (10 total) dvarLabels: names# create an object of class Anno, given a matrix plus information on its columns/rows # 1) create termData: an object of class InfoDataFrame data <- data.frame(x=1:5, y=I(LETTERS[1:5]), row.names=paste("Term", 1:5, sep="_")) termData <- new("InfoDataFrame", data=data) termDataAn object of S4 class 'InfoDataFrame' rowNames: Term_1 Term_2 Term_3 Term_4 Term_5 colNames: x y# 2) create domainData: an object of class InfoDataFrame data <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=I(LETTERS[1:10]), row.names=paste("Domain", 1:10, sep="_")) domainData <- new("InfoDataFrame", data=data) domainDataAn object of S4 class 'InfoDataFrame' rowNames: Domain_1 Domain_2 Domain_3 ... Domain_9 Domain_10 (10 total) colNames: x y# 3) create an object of class Anno # VERY IMPORTANT: make sure having consistent names between annoData and domainData (and termData) annoData <- matrix(runif(50),nrow=10,ncol=5) rownames(annoData) <- rowNames(domainData) colnames(annoData) <- rowNames(termData) x <- new("Anno", annoData=annoData, domainData=domainData, termData=termData) xAn object of S4 class 'Anno' @annoData: 10 domains, 5 terms @termData (InfoDataFrame) termNames: Term_1 Term_2 Term_3 Term_4 Term_5 tvarLabels: x y @domainData (InfoDataFrame) domainNames: Domain_1 Domain_2 Domain_3 ... Domain_9 Domain_10 (10 total) dvarLabels: x y# 4) look at various methods defined on class Anno dim(x)[1] 10 5annoData(x)Term_1 Term_2 Term_3 Term_4 Term_5 Domain_1 0.38646009 0.29743303 0.83303351 0.1105348 0.6343022 Domain_2 0.58222451 0.01907135 0.84091112 0.6852883 0.7244947 Domain_3 0.07107426 0.12770868 0.11039306 0.5464801 0.8751578 Domain_4 0.23272480 0.44866704 0.10973054 0.3975184 0.4431293 Domain_5 0.84330124 0.02929973 0.77454019 0.4825122 0.6956817 Domain_6 0.54557412 0.69303444 0.92479632 0.5223680 0.4860102 Domain_7 0.04511398 0.21060201 0.87177343 0.6004444 0.3120415 Domain_8 0.60229894 0.10545978 0.07529899 0.4525172 0.4768031 Domain_9 0.32481846 0.11732409 0.08373671 0.7437398 0.2056176 Domain_10 0.88934108 0.93355149 0.94952831 0.7646140 0.2872525termData(x)An object of S4 class 'InfoDataFrame' rowNames: Term_1 Term_2 Term_3 Term_4 Term_5 colNames: x ytData(x)x y Term_1 1 A Term_2 2 B Term_3 3 C Term_4 4 D Term_5 5 EdomainData(x)An object of S4 class 'InfoDataFrame' rowNames: Domain_1 Domain_2 Domain_3 ... Domain_9 Domain_10 (10 total) colNames: x ydData(x)x y Domain_1 1 A Domain_2 2 B Domain_3 3 C Domain_4 4 D Domain_5 5 E Domain_6 6 F Domain_7 7 G Domain_8 8 H Domain_9 9 I Domain_10 10 JtermNames(x)[1] "Term_1" "Term_2" "Term_3" "Term_4" "Term_5"domainNames(x)[1] "Domain_1" "Domain_2" "Domain_3" "Domain_4" "Domain_5" "Domain_6" [7] "Domain_7" "Domain_8" "Domain_9" "Domain_10"# 5) get the subset x[1:3,1:2]An object of S4 class 'Anno' @annoData: 3 domains, 2 terms @termData (InfoDataFrame) termNames: Term_1 Term_2 tvarLabels: x y @domainData (InfoDataFrame) domainNames: Domain_1 Domain_2 Domain_3 dvarLabels: x y